It’s strange how sometimes you can drop your bundle with something, and not really know why. For me, it’s been my “blogging bundle”.
Ok, so the month or two following my last post was filled to the brim with excitement, activity and hard work – so finding time to blog eluded me. Chris and I had an amazing trip to the Appreciative Inquiry conference in Kathmandu, Nepal in November.
(If you’re interested in seeing more about that and some image slideshows, you can visit our website.)
Prior to that I was flat out with my volunteer role on the online conference planning team for the conference. And after the trip, there were a gazillion things to be done in the lead up to the Christmas break.
But what about the month that has elapsed since then?
It’s as if the longer the gap, the harder it was to think of something to say. A strange sensation .. perhaps a case of the ‘inertia blues’?
But then, earlier this week, I gave myself a stern talking-to and was absolutely determined to return to my blog.
Before I could get into the more creative task of writing, however, there were several administrative jobs to do – not only with my blog, but our website, Chris’s blogs and the PCC site for which I’m webmaster. Those now done … whew! … so here I am at last.
Still with nothing earth-shattering to say, but never mind. :) I said to a friend who had dropped a different bundle recently, “Just get started. Why not do something, however small, to get going again?” And for once I’m listening to my own good advice. :)
The experience reminded me of a wonderful Melbourne-based poet, Kristin Henry, whom I met way back in the 80s. In her book, Slices of Wry, she has the following poem. Apologies for the length … but I love it and thought I’d share it here.
At least I didn’t land on the floor at Myers. :) [Read more…]